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Training and Workshops

ParaPride offers training and workshop programs to increase awareness of the LGBTQ+ disabled community and support people and organisations in becoming better allies. Our programmes cover topics such as disability rights, accessibility best practices, intersectionality and the importance of inclusion in the workplace.

We support people and teams in developing their knowledge and create a safe space to ask questions about the challenges faced by our LGBTQ+ disabled community. We also share our stories of success and  empowerment, while celebrating the importance of the intersectional nature of all our identities.

We have delivered training and workshops for

Our approach

Central to our approach is sharing candid stories of our own lived experiences. We are able to speak authentically on these issues from our own lived experiences.

We take a flexible approach to design an event tailored to the requirements of the organisations we work with. The following are examples of what we can deliver for you:

  • In-person and online forums

  • Guest speaking

  • Panel discussions, both exclusively ParaPride ambassadors or in mixed panels

  • Workshops, focusing on team participation to generate new ideas

A diverse group of people seated in office chairs, engaged in conversation and collaboration.

Who we work with

We pride ourselves on our ability to adjust our content for a very wide range of audiences, with varying degrees of prior understanding of the space we work in.

We have a track record of delivering programs for:

  • Business of all sizes

  • Local authorities and government bodies

  • Schools and the education sector; and

  • Other advocacy groups

What we talk about

The first step in developing an event with us will be to explore topics that will work best for you. We have a range that we know work well for a lot of audiences and are happy to consider proposals.

Some examples include:

  • Intersectionality

  • Different types of discrimination

  • Cultural and physical accessibility

  • Ableism

  • Disability in the workplace

Want to work with us?

Please out the form below with your contact details and a brief description of what you are looking for and will be in in contact shortly. See our Privacy Policy.​​

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